QUIZ: What Non-Dairy Flavour Are You?



Happy Veganuary! While you’re looking up delicious vegan recipes to get you through your post-holiday month of vegan eating, it’s important not to forget about the most important meal of the day: dessert! Thankfully Ben & Jerry’s Non-Dairy flavours have all the chunks and swirls you’re craving, all without the dairy. Take the quiz to find out which flavour perfectly matches your personality and is sure to brighten up your Veganuary:

  1. 1: It’s a typical Friday night. What are you up to?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  2. 2: What’s your favourite music genre?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  3. 3: What’s your strategy for deciding which Non-Dairy flavour to choose?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  4. 4: A friend is having a really bad day. What do you do?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  5. 5: What flavour do you most wish we would make into Non-Dairy?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  6. 6: What’s your dream vacation?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  7. 7: You open a fresh pint of your favourite Non-Dairy flavour. What’s your plan of attack?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  8. 8: What pet do you think most closely matches your personality?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  9. 9: Which of these desserts do you most want to eat right now?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  10. 10: You open your freezer and find that your roommate has eaten your pint of Non-Dairy without asking or replacing it. What do you do?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!