The Ultimate Climate Change Quiz



So we all know climate change is seriously bad news. And we really need to do something about it. But just how much do you know about global temperature and carbon emissions? It’s time to find out.

  1. 1: What was has been warmest year on record?
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  2. 2: Which year had the lowest sea ice recorded by NASA?
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  3. 3: Which of these countries produces the most carbon emissions?
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  4. 4: What country has announced plans to move their capital city inland because of rising sea levels caused by climate change?
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  5. 5: Since the industrial revolution, how much has the world already warmed towards the internationally agreed danger limit of 1.5C?
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  6. 6: Over the last 20 years, what proportion of extreme weather events have scientists found to be caused by climate change?
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  7. 7: Where were the first solar panels (as we know them today) used?
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  8. 8: How much of the excess heat caused by climate change is absorbed by oceans?
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  9. 9: Only two countries are currently on track to meet their Paris Climate Accord emission reduction pledges. What two countries?
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  10. 10: The average sea level has risen by about 21 cm globally since 1880. How much higher do scientists predict it will rise by 2100, even if we meet the goals outlined in the Paris Climate Accord?
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This blog post is funded by our pals at Ben & Jerry’s